How to Fulfill Orders on Sup Dropshipping?
Step 1. Sync Orders
If your Shopify store is connected with Sup, your orders will be automatically synced to Orders>> Store orders. If you can not find your order here, please click the Sync button to import orders manually.

Step 2. Connect Products
Once an order is confirmed in your store, the order information will be automatically synced here. You may double-check it and make sure to click on the Connect Product button before going on.

Step 3. Confirm Order Information
When the connection is done, it’s time to select your shipping method and confirm shipping information.
If Sup cannot recognize the shipping address, you may fix it manually.

If you have purchased your own customized packaging in Sup, it is time to apply them to your products here. How to purchase? Check it here!

Step 4. Make Payment
You are all set now, and the next step is to click Pay Now on each order to pay for a specific order, or check the tickbox next to Bulk Payment to pay for all your orders at once.

Step 5. Pending for Confirmation
Once we have received the payment, your orders will move to Pending Tab, and our fulfillment professionals will review your orders carefully to check if there are any problems to fix.

Step 6. Processing
Once your orders are confirmed, they will be moved to the Processing tab. We will start processing right away and convey all your requirements to the suppliers. This may take 1-3 days, as our processing team will make a careful quality inspection and double-check with logistics before shipping.

Step 7. Fulfilled
Once your products are shipped, the orders will move to Fulfilled tab. Tracking info for your shipping order can be checked here, and automatically synced to your connected store.

Step 8. Completed
All orders delivered and received will move to the Completed tab, you can review or open a dispute if there is any problem with the product. Our dedicated agent will help you out.

Enjoy Sup Dropshipping, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
About the Author

Jack Han
Jack is a SEO manager and blog writer at Sup Dropshipping. He holds an MA in Linguistics and Education. He has over 10 years experience in E-commerce, and 5 years of experience in SEO. Jack is an enthusiast to share his recent knowledge learnt from peer experts in the industry.
96 responses to “How to Fulfill Orders on Sup Dropshipping?”
Hello Dear,
We are interested in your services and we want to know if you have Shopify App available and what is the name of the app. If not, Let me know how we can connect my Shopify store with you. I want to more about your US warehouse and how we can stock products in the US wse, what are requisites.
Hi Sir,
Yes, we have Shopify APP, its name: Sup Dropshipping. visit here:
Hopefully your are doing fine
There is one confusion for me wich is that i already link my store for sup dropshipping but when i researched product through URL and . some winning products shows moq 2, or 10 or 100 …i want to confirm that is if i listed that type of products to my shopify store and wich is possible supdropshipping remove MoQ condition for me…?
Your Regards is Highly appreciated.-
Hi Zabi,
Thank you for asking.
Most of our products are of no Moq, if you find any product with the Moq requirement, please contact your dedicated assistant. We do not suggest you sell this kind of product, as most of them are at a low price, which means you cannot earn enough profit margin to cover your costs.
You can read this article to learn how to find a winning product, or subscribe to our YouTube channel for winning products recommendation.
Warm regards,
Sup Dropshipping Team-
I am boy i need Amazon on work
Hello, your personal agent has sent you an email, please check inbox.
Can i know do you support Shopee Malaysia?
Voces trabalham com dropshipping para o Brasilno caso entragam produtos para o Brasil
Sim claro!
hi, do you deliver here for brazil?
of cuz
is it possible to connect my shopee store here in brazil to your services? I couldn’t find anything here to help me with this
Can you tell me how can i place test order with out connecting my store? or it is compulsory to connect store? i am a successful dropshipper and i want to try your product quality and shipping services? kindly let me know..thank you
wait for your reply
Our agent will contact u soon
Ola, posso comprar de bastante quantidades?
Tem como conectar o mercado livre para fazer dropshipping?
Sim, nosso agente entrará em contato com você
Hi, May i know if it is possible to sync your product to my shopee shop?
yes, you can sync our product to your shopee store.
Hopefully your are doing fine
There is one confusion for me wich is that i already link my store for sup dropshipping but when i researched product through URL and . some winning products shows moq 2, or 10 or 100 …i want to confirm that is if i listed that type of products to my shopify store and wich is possible supdropshipping remove MoQ condition for me…?
Your Regards is Highly appreciated.
Please add a Q & A section to product pages
thank you
Hi, what are shipping times to USA, and please shows us how to check it. thanks
Hi Milan,
Our agent will contact you soon!
What are the shipping Times tot the Netherlands? And is a track and tracé possible
Yes, Our agent will help you.
estoy intentando conectar mi tienda con vosotros y no lo he conseguido.
sera porque no veo los videos explicativos en castellano?solo los teneis en ingles??
Hi, I want to know that can I use your platform for my Amazon store? I want to dropship using my Amazon Store.
Hi Ali,
Our Agent will contact you soon.
Hello Admin,
Good Evening!
I just want to make it clear that is it possible to connect my Amazon Store with SupDropshioing plz?
Do you provide services for Amazon Dropshipping Store? If possible, then kindly guide me about the detailed procedure plz?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Hi, what are shipping times to USA, and please shows us how to check it. thanks
Quantos dias em média demora para chegar as mercadorias no Brasil ?
preciso de suporte para trabalhar com dropshipping ,alguem de voces pode me ajudar ??
what if I want your dropshipping services to integrate with wordpress?
Olá, gostaria de saber se é possível sincronizar seu produto com a minha loja shopee e mercado livre ?
Oii, gostaria de saber se é possível sincronizar seu produto com a minha loja na shopee e no mercado livre ?
Oii, gostaria de saber se é possível sincronizar seu produto com a minha loja na shopee e no mercado livre ? vcs mandam pro Brasil ??
sim, você pode integrar ao Shopee e enviamos para o Brasil
Hi, I want to know that can I use your platform for my Amazon store? I want to dropship using my Amazon Store
I am interested in using your services for Shopee Philippines, is it supported? If so, I would like to know the delivery time from your nearest warehouse to Philippines? Thank you!
Hope to start a good business relationship with your company. 🙂
I didn’t like the indifference with which Brazilians were treated in the comments.
When the bootlicker sees a Dutchman he gets all excited!
Ola quero trabalhar com vcs é possivel contctar a sua loja coma a minha wbuy loja virtual ?
Hi Maria, thank you for your comment!
Unfortuantely, we are not connected with Wbuy at present. But we have found a solution for you to dropship with Sup.
Here is a guide to help you proceed.
If you have further questions working on it, please feel free to contact your dedicated agent.We appreciate your support, and our tech team will work on it soon. Will let you know when Sup can be integrated with a Wbuy store.
Have a nice day!
may I find out what if customers want a refund or exchange of products listed in the shopify store from Custom dropshipping? Does SUP help us in handle refund or does the shop owners have to handle that themselves?
Hi there,
Thank you for your question.For customized products, you can request a refund or replacement if your customer receives damaged, wrong items or products with missing parts.
To learn more about how to request for a refund or replacement, you can refer to our Dispute Policy.
You can also contact your dedicated agent for assistance.Have a nice day!
Sup Dropshipping
I wanted to dropship in UAE.Is your services are working there?
Hi Muzammil,
Thank you for your comment!
Our services are available in UAE. You may consult your dedicated agent about the specific service you need.
Warm regards,
Sup Dropshipping
Ich möchte bald mit Dropshipping über Amazon und Ebay starten, wie lange dauert der Versand nach Deutschland?
Hi Nicole,
Thank you for asking.
Shipping time will vary depending on the destination and the shipping route you choose. We provide a variety of shipping options for you to choose from.
You can read this complete guide to learn more about shipping solutions or consult your dedicated agent.
Best regards,
Sup Dropshipping Team
I wanted to dropship in Saudi Arabia, do you support services in Saudi Arabia? What is the name an agent in Saudi Arabia if there is one?
I wanted to dropship in Saudi Arabia, do you support services in Saudi Arabia? What is the name an agent in Saudi Arabia if there is one?
Thank you
saad aldawsari
yes, we support service in Saudi Arabia, our agent will contact you soon.
I’m just asking if i have linked my ecwid store with sup drop, and someone has make a purchase, did the supplier get paid automatically directly or no ?
Hi Ray,
When your customer make a purchase in your store, nobody can take that money out from you 🙂
So when you get an order, we will try to make a purchase for you from the supplier with best prices, and the supplier will wait for your payment to fulfill the order.Note: Please remember to pay ASAP for the order, because any second delayed may result in bad customer experience.
boa noite posso fazer dropshipping com voces ,sem que precise ter loja shopify ,pois tenho uma loja na yampi tem algum problema
Olá, por enquanto nossa plataforma não está integrada com Yampi. Podemos não obter as informações do seu pedido em sua loja.
Por favor, consulte este post para uma solução.
Boa tarde. Gostaria de saber se para gerar pedido, preciso fazer recarga na plataforma e caso precise como faço, pq nao consegui entender
Nosso atendimento entrará em contato com você
Hello Dear,
I’m interested in integrating your service into my Ecwid store, but I have a small question, that is: “If I have linked my Ecwid store with sup drop, and someone has made a purchase, does the supplier get paid automatically and orders fulfilled to the costumer’s address or do I have to manually pay and fulfill the costumer’s address?”
Hi Christian, thank you for your trust in Sup Dropshipping!
For the fulfillment, no worries after you integrate your store with Sup. Our system will automatically get the info and fulfill for you.
Regarding to the payment, when you receive the payment from your customer, please login to your Sup account to confirm the order and make the payment to your supplier.
Sup Dropshipping respect your privacy and authority, if you have multiple orders, you can confirm and pay in bulk to save time.If you still have questions, please feel free to contact your dedicated agent.
can you please integrate PayHip to your platform…..and if i want to buy a single item for myself, how do i go about it?
Hi, thank you for your suggestion, we will contact Payhip and try to build integration collaboration.
We will let you know when we have it integrated with Sup.It is easy to take a test order for products on Sup, just click ‘Buy it now’ button on product page.
If you want to take a test order for products imported from other marketplaces, please contact your dedicated agent.
Hello sir,
Can i know your return address?
Hello, please check our dispute policy for the return methods.
hi my tiktok shop is connected to supdropshipping so should i fulfill my order manually or it will fulfill automatically plz tell me thanks
Hi Lateef, we will fulfill automatically for you. Please contact your dedicated agent for more details.
I am trying to pay for an order through Sup but it keeps saying that I need to re-connect the item. When I try to Sync the order nothing comes out and it keeps saying to contact your agent. Does that mean I need to do something on my Ecwid page? My Lightspeed payment is still on hold is this the problem/ Please Help I don know what to do.
Your dedicated agent has contacted you, please check inbox.
Hi, Do you provide service in India, I am interested in connecting my AmazonIndia and other e-commerce account for dropshipping.
Hello JP,
Yes, we can provide fulfillment and shipping service to India.
Please register and contact your dedicated agent for assistance.
I have send email and whatusp chats , But unfortunately no one is responding , My order is still showing pending. I dont think this is appropriate way to handle the business
Hello, we have checked your account, but found no no chat messages, no pending orders, even not any order.
Please check again. If this email is not your account that has the orders, please send an email to with your account.
Au moment de payer un message en rouge apparait ce message indique :
This order item needs to be re-connect …
pouvez vous m’aider
Bonjour Varone, veuillez contacter votre agent personnel pour la solution.
I’m new please help me
Hello and welcome!
Please check out this tutorial to learn how to start working with us!-
Hi Jack, I was reading your bio. You should take the word “got” off there and just leave it as He has over 10 years experience. The word got doesn’t fit in there. Still thinking about using this app, just haven’t made up my mind yet.
Thank you Sandy.
I have fixed it, and we hope you can choose us to be your supplier and fulfillment service provider.
Hello, once the order is received, it’s gets synced but it does not automatically connect with the product.
So everytime we will get the order, we will have to contact the agent to connect the product? Since the response time is not very great, it will cause delays.
How to fix this ?
Hi, thank you for choosing Sup Dropshipping!
If you have urgent needs, please contact your personal agent to connect the products for you instantly.
In general cases, we will make the connection for your products within 24 hours, and this will not affect your estimated arriving time.
how to connect product its cant connect already to days
Hi Azad,
Your personal agent has sent you an email, please check inbox.
Nice product
Thank you! Please feel free to register an account and start importing them to your store!
Nice product
Thank you! Please feel free to register an account and start importing them to your store!
hello this was really helpful for me to understand more about the sup supplier
thanks a lot sup team
respect to all of the team <33
Thank you so much and it’s so nice of you!
We are glad you like our tutorial and hope we can help you more with other tutorials, too.
J’essaie de payer une commande via Sup mais il n’arrête pas de dire Cet article de commande doit être reconnecté, nous avons informé votre agent.#GBOZL. les produits sont paiement. le paiement Lightspeed est reussi,mais le probleme perssiste a chaque fois”,Cet article de commande doit être reconnecté, nous avons informé votre agent.#GBOZL ,aidez-moi,s,il vous je ne sais pas quoi faire.
Notre agent a résolu ce problème pour vous. Merci pour votre commentaire!
Hola nuestra tienda esta conectada a wix quisiera saber como podemos usar el dropshipping con ustedes para Colombia.
Hola, gracias y bienvenido a Sup Dropshipping.
Sí, podemos ayudarte a enviar pedidos a Colombia.
Hi am everyday product list but now not order so please help me
Hello, the most important factor for your sales is marketing.
Please search our blog posts and learn marketing so that you can get orders.
Do you automatically update shipping information to Shopify so the customer knows when their item has shipped and when to expect it?
Hello, yes, when your customer place an order, we will ship it for you. Then your customer can click the tracking number in your store to track the order.
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